Addresses to Swedish consumers

Buy mailing list to Swedish households

We deliver updated and complete data concerning addresses to Swedish households.

In our online tool for selection of target groups you can see number of records and prices. will be translated to English language within shortly, please contact us for assistance with you selection.

We work with sources whith maximum coverage and quality whom also update the data on daily basis such as the Swedish Tax Agency and Swedish population registry.

Your selection of addresses to households will be delivered in Excel-format normally the same day as you place the order.

You can also select a list of Swedish adresses to consumers  depending on what vehicle they own, type of household they live in or if they have childen in the household.

More about addresses to Swedish consumers:

Swedish households with children and caregivers

We help you out with your selection, counts and convert the files to the format you wich to have in order to recieve the data. You can decide weather the household shall have one or more childen and age of the children. In Sweden its not legal to address people under 16 years of age, therefore we provide you with the names of the parents.




Weekend cottages and other properties

We provide you with adresses to consumers depending on the type of property they live in, size and value of the property amongst a large number of other selections.

Swedish owners of vehicles 

You can decide what owners should own due to brand, model and production year of the vehicle.


All registry of Swedish households can be can be presented with or without phone numbers, both for fixed phones and cell phones. We mark the records, adresses and phone numbers, where the person has asked not to be contacted in advertising matters.

Further services concerning Swedish household information 

 Through our API-solution we allow integration to your software for registration of customers and Swedish companies. You enter name, VAT or social security number and we fill in the address, phone numbers amongst the information you want us to provide.

Contact us for a free sample of the technical specification and pricelist.

Contact us if you are interested in  buying addresses to Swedish consumers!